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"Every child is gifted.... They unwrap their packages at different times."

                                      --- Unknown

Individual services
CEI Programs


Nidhi Centre for Early Interventions [CEI] is a centre for children with special needs in the age range of 0-10* years. It will admit children with any disability.

  • Infant-Toddler Program: Birth to 2.5 years

  • Early Childhood Program: 2.5 years to 6 years

  • Transition Program: 6 years to 10 years.

  * - Individual Customisation applies

Special Education


Individualized one-on-one education sessions addressing specific skills for which the child requires help, such as sensory-perceptual and cognitive skills, socio-emotional interaction skills, early literacy, numeracy, school readiness skills, handwriting among others.

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Developmental therapy


Individualized physiotherapy and developmental therapy as recommended/ required for the smooth mobility and activities of daily living (ADL) of the child, including sensory integration, gross and fine motor skills.



Speech therapy


Individual sessions on communication and speech like oro-motor skills, adaptive communication, social communication and language learning, oral language and interactive communication skills and so on.

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Psychological Assessment


Screening, evaluation, and guidance for developmental delays, socio-emotional difficulties, and scholastic difficulties and delays, for children aged 0 - 10 years.

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Parent Guidance and Counselling


Guidance and suggestions for parents of children with special needs, regarding any parenting concerns. (We offer online consultations also).

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© NIDHI Early Interventions

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